Plow Blade Control - LaserLine
Plow Blade Control
Reduce Plow Strike Damage
Providing plow operators with advance visibility of wing or tow plow's trailing edge.
- 5mW Class IIIa Ultra-brite green laser spot
- Externally mounted, fully enclosed module.
- CAN/CSA-E60825 complaint.
- Available with remote in-cab line adjustment or manual line adjustment.
Suitable for day and night use. Electronically designed for both cold and hot weather operations, the ultra-brite laser spot impacts the pavement or snow surface ahead of the vehicle, yet still in the driver's normal field of view. Available with remote in-cab line adjustment or manual line adjustment.
The most effective way to establish visual line control.
Pavement Marking Control
The same ultra high visibility green laser, now specifically designed for walk behind line striping machines. Add-on to existing equipment to increase efficiency and improve accuracy, eliminates the need to pull string or chalk lines, or guess start-stop points.

Graffiti Removal Control
Particularly effective to establish visual line control when added to water blasting trucks, graffiti removal systems or for water cannons used in firefighting, large vehicle washing, and mining.